Thursday 24 August 2023

Safely On The Internet – With These 6 Tips

The Internet is a medium that brings immense benefits. It allows us to find information on almost any topic, communicate with people on the other side of the globe, and even have groceries and other products delivered to your door. In addition to all these profitable resources, however, there is also a downside.

Cybercrime, identity theft and malware are just some of the things more and more people are falling victim to. However, one is not helplessly exposed to these dangers. There are some security measures that each individual can take to protect themselves. In this article we give you six important tips on how to be safe on the Internet.

1. Conscious Use Of The Net

Many dangers can be avoided by using the Internet consciously. This includes, for example, not opening e-mail attachments from unknown recipients or downloading files from dubious websites. These are two well-known ways malware can sneak in.

Another aspect is to treat sensitive data with care. Only provide personal information if the website is 100% trustworthy. If you're sending information to someone you trust, it's best to use a secure format like a PDF file. These are less susceptible to viruses and malware. PDF files can then be provided with a password so that only authorized persons can access them.

2. Choose Secure Passwords

While we're on the subject of passwords, we've already come to the next major topic for online security. Hard to believe, but true: 123456 is still one of the most popular passwords. We don't need to explain further that this is easy to crack.The general rule of thumb is that the longer a password is, the more secure it is.

In addition, it should be an arbitrary combination of upper and lower case letters, special characters and numbers. Also, don't choose the same password everywhere. If one is decrypted, the hacker does not have access to everything. Don't worry, you don't have to remember all the combinations. A password manager can do that for you.

3. Security Updates An Antivirus Software

To ensure that your device is well protected against attacks, security updates of the operating system and browser used should be carried out regularly. They only provide reliable protection if they are up to date.

It is also essential to install proper antivirus software. These programs can detect viruses and prevent intrusion. Here, too, the software must be constantly updated in order to be able to perform optimal work. Also, make sure you choose a trusted provider.

4. Safe Browser

In addition to appropriate updates, it is generally important to ensure that you select a secure browser. Indicators of a high level of security are, first of all, support for HTTPS and the ability to block pop-up windows. It should also be possible to delete cookies and history via the browser.

5. Beware Of Public WiFi

In cafés, on trains or at airports - there are many places that are now equipped with public WLAN. What is very practical on the one hand, unfortunately, also harbors dangers. After all, you don't know what protective measures the hotspot is equipped with. It might be easy for hackers to gain access here. So make sure it's a secure network. We also do not recommend working with sensitive data - as is the case with online banking, for example - if you are on a public WLAN.

6. Use Of A VPN

To add an extra layer of security when surfing the web, you can use a VPN. The virtual private network establishes a secure and encrypted connection between the user's device and the VPN server. It doesn't matter whether you use a smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC.All actions that you take on the Internet via the VPN are encrypted and therefore unrecognizable for third parties. In addition to sensitive data that is transmitted online, your location and IP address are also protected.

In addition to the paid providers, there are also some free VPNs, which are usually limited in terms of functions, servers and data consumption.As with all programs, it is important to ensure that you choose a reputable and trustworthy provider. Only then can you rely on high quality in terms of encryption and assume that current security standards are met.

Conclusion: Security Has It's Price 

As you can see, there are a few aspects to consider in order to surf the Internet safely. However, in times when more and more information is transmitted on the World Wide Web, it has never been more important not to be careless here.

Some of the tips we have mentioned come at no cost to you. So there is no price to choose secure passwords or to be conscious of the use of the Internet. On the other hand, it can make sense to invest in other areas. The best antivirus programs and VPN providers usually have their price.

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