Saturday 4 November 2023

What Do The Indicator Lights In The Car Actually Mean?

At the latest when it lights up red on the dashboard of your four-wheeled friend, you will inevitably have to deal with the various symbols. Not everyone has to cause heart palpitations and panic. Many represent purely informational content; others, however, have it all.

Basically, if you adapt it to a traffic light, you can remember that green symbols are usually pure information. Symbols that light up yellow or red, on the other hand, usually not only have informational content, but also indicate a problem.

Less urgent information is yellow, more serious information is red. We briefly introduce the most important symbol lights.

Maintain Perspective : Everything About Light

While other indicator lights in the car raise eyebrows, most of the symbols related to lights can be interpreted intuitively.Two arrows, each pointing to the left or right, flash when the direction indicator is operated.

They flash together when the hazard warning lights are switched on. For this purpose, another indicator light, an orange triangle, also lights up.Two headlights facing back to each other means the parking lights are on. However, in older vehicle types, the symbol may also light up when the interior lighting is switched on.

A headlight directed to the left, predominantly blue, with horizontal beams indicates that the high beam is switched on. However, an indicator light with the beams pointing diagonally downwards means that the low beam is activated.

A round headlight, on the other hand, basically indicates that the various lights have been activated for “visibility” in fog. If the symbol is directed to the left and the rays point downwards, the fog lights are switched on. In contrast to high beam or low beam, however, the beams are crossed by a wavy line. If the indicator light is directed to the right, the rear fog light is active.

If a light bulb with an exclamation mark appears, a light bulb is defective. This means that you have to start troubleshooting and, if necessary, change the light bulb or go to a workshop. Depending on which light bulb is defective, a possible fine may be due.

Safety First : Yellow Lighting Safety Instructions

Yellow warning signs can provide both information and indicate an existing problem. For most indicator lights, an early visit to a workshop is recommended.The most well-known warning light is probably the gas pump. If this indicator light lights up, the next trip to the gas station cannot be avoided. The tank will soon be empty and only has a certain reserve left. Depending on the car manufacturer, this value mainly fluctuates between five and eight liters.

However, if the gas pump lights up with raindrops above the hose, there is water in the fuel filter. This water must be drained urgently, otherwise the engine can be damaged. This process can also be carried out yourself in just a few simple steps.The cross section of a tire with an internal exclamation mark warns that the tire pressure is too low. The pressure should be checked at the nearest gas station or workshop to prevent consequential damage to the rims. If the warning light is still present despite the correct tire pressure, the sensor is probably defective. Only the car repair shop can help here.

A circle with six stripes around it is the indicator light, which becomes active when the brake pads are worn. On a side street or parking lot, you should perform careful brake tests; If you have sufficient braking power, you can head to the workshop. If the braking result turns out to be unsatisfactory, you should leave the vehicle immediately.If a vehicle with a swaying track lights up in the dashboard, it is the indicator light for the ESP, the electronic stabilization program. This may be defective or not activated. Either you can switch it back on yourself or you have to go to a workshop. 

You should drive there carefully, as the tires can no longer be braked individually if there is a risk of skidding. You should therefore refrain from taking daring turns.If a lane lights up, the lane assistant reacts. It detects deviations when staying in lane, so a steering movement is necessary. If the symbol shows a snowflake in addition to the lane, the indicator light warns of slippery conditions. The outside temperature is below 3 degrees Celsius and snow or slippery roads are to be expected. The driving style must be adjusted accordingly.

An indicator light in the shape of an exhaust indicates a dirty diesel particulate filter. This can be done, for example, through longer short-haul operations. This soot in the particle filter must be burned, otherwise the vehicle switches to emergency mode and only runs at reduced power. This can easily be remedied by taking a long drive on the highway. If the indicator light stays on even after long motorway journeys, the filter needs to be cleaned in a workshop.

EPC (Electronic Power Control) or “electronic power control” is activated if there is a problem with the accelerator pedal. However, this symbol can only light up on vehicles with an electronic accelerator pedal. If the EPC light flashes, the causes can be varied, so a trip to the workshop is advisable. However, you should be careful here, as failure of the EPC can result in the engine no longer accepting gas.

If a “stick figure” with a circle in front of the face lights up while wearing a seatbelt, this indicates a defective or switched off airbag. Deactivating the airbag may be necessary, for example, if a corresponding child seat is positioned on the front passenger seat. If the airbag is not switched off manually, it may be defective. In order to be best protected in the event of an accident, you should visit a workshop as soon as possible.

An information symbol that lights up indicates information available in the on-board computer. Depending on the manufacturer, this can be different types of information. Sometimes the on-board computer indicates an impending inspection.If the workshop key lights up, there is an undefined problem. Since this can have various causes, we recommend that you go to a car repair shop as soon as possible.

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