Sunday 12 February 2023

The Best Looter Shooter Games : Loot, Loot, Loot

Looter shooters are a popular genre among gamers. They mix elements of a classic shooter with the collecting mania of an RPG. It's all about upgrading your gear and building a better character by picking up loot.

They are popular in both single player and multiplayer and are enjoying a growing fan base. But what are the currently best looter shooters?

Borderlands 2

Sunday 18 December 2022

With Watt Hours In Winter: Riding Through The Cold On An E-Bike

The street scene fits in with the long-rising sales figures for pedelecs: Often dressed in appropriate clothing, with additional reflective strips here and there, and even in bad weather you see them more and more often - the easily gliding e-bikers.

Just because the days are getting shorter and the weather more changeable doesn't mean that the two-wheeler has to be stowed away in the basement or garage for the winter," says Sören Heinze from the Auto Club Europa (ACE). 

Friday 16 December 2022

Financial Companies Are Seeking The Advantage Of Algorithms Inspired By Quantum Computing

In 1994, Peter Shor, a mathematician, presented an algorithm for quantum computing. With this algorithm, the time it takes to find the prime factors of huge numbers is greatly reduced. Conventional transistor-based computers theoretically needed billions of years, which can be reduced to a few days with quantum computing.
A real revolution, because the decomposition into prime factors is the basis for a large part of today's encryption and IT security infrastructure. Seven years later, in 2001, IBM scientists demonstrated the algorithm for the first time with great success - albeit on a small quantum computer. They proved that quantum computers can be built and that Peter Shor's mathematical algorithm can be implemented.

Promoting Your Blog For Free: Effective Strategies

Starting a blog is a fantastic way to share your knowledge, passion, and expertise with the world. However, attracting readers can be chal...