Friday 17 February 2023

Game Genres And Their Best Games

Technical development is making great strides and now makes games possible that are almost as realistic as a movie.

But of course, in all genres there are also the classics that may have survived many a year and that no longer seem quite modern - which, however, should not be missing in any well-assorted game collection. But which game genres are actually differentiated from each other and which titles are most influential for them?

Action Adventure

Of all the game genres, action-adventure games are probably the most complete games. If you want to be successful here, you have to have different talents – and a lot of patience.

The player takes on a character that is initially quite weak, which he leads through a closed, but increasingly opening virtual world. In it various challenges lurk that require a complex gameplay. In addition to the usual movements such as running, riding and jumping, the player dares to fight to the death. He also has to solve puzzles and master tasks.

The wages he earns are coins, which he can spend within the game on weapons, armor items or healing potions - provided he doesn't find such items on his hikes anyway. Gradually he rises in the level system, opens up new worlds and comes a little closer to the goal of the action-adventure.

Tower Defence 

The basic principle of the Tower Defense Games is explained quite quickly: The player is randomly assigned a certain place on the map and has to defend it for as long as possible. As a rule, such games begin somewhat reserved and almost boring. But the time should be used wisely. For example, with the construction of towers, fortresses, walls and other defense systems.

At the same time, you can put together your own army and train it for the tasks ahead. Because the virtual opponents are not long in coming. They come heavily armed and equipped with a large arsenal of war. Your goal: to level the territory of the player to the ground. So not good conditions - especially since the level of difficulty increases significantly over time and in many cases an above-average strategic skill is required in the later levels in order to actually survive after many hours.

Horde Shooters / Horde Game

Horde shooters are gradually rising on the popularity scale of all game genres. They are – roughly speaking – about little strategy. Rather, the player is exposed to an overwhelming number of enemies on the map.

 Depending on the game, they can slip into different roles and be equipped with various talents, martial arts and weapons. The real problem: The enemies never come alone or in small groups, but only attack when they have gathered in dozens or even hundreds.The challenge for the player is therefore not only to kill the opponents, but also to escape from them with cunning and deceit. Here again, dexterity and strategic skills can still be valuable. The game is over when the player survives a certain amount of time or has defeated all enemies.

Role Playing

Game genres are inspired by games that were known long before computers were invented. These include the so-called pen & paper games, which, thanks to technical advances, have been developed into box-office hits for consoles.

These role-playing games stay true to their name: the player assumes a specific role from the start, which already has its own story. She has numerous skills, quite useful expertise, an appearance that differs from the other characters and a social rank - factors that influence the game considerably and which, in addition to advantages, can also have one or two weaknesses in store. In many cases, the player moves in a mystical world in which he has to use his muscles as well as his head to overcome challenges. It is often only the interaction with other - computer-controlled - characters that leads him to his goal.

Looter shooter

A so-called loot system can be found in most game genres. It calculates what reward the player receives for a solved puzzle or a successfully completed battle.

 The Looter Shooter build on this basic idea. With them, the character starts with sparse armor, scant clothing, a weak weapon and little talent. And it will remain so for a long time. Only for the armament - guns, bows, explosive charges - he can repeatedly unlock upgrades in the course of the game. For this he must pass challenges and kill opponents. So for each challenge he does not get any coins, no armor items and no healing potions, but can only hope for an improvement for the weapon. This gives him a head start over his opponents in the game, which will ultimately see him emerge victorious.

Text Adventures 

Admittedly, it sounds really simple in itself: the player controls a character through a virtual world, fights opponents, interacts with other characters, solves puzzles and can expand his small arsenal with useful items via the loot system until he reaches a certain goal has. A basic principle that can probably be admired a thousand times over in all game genres.

However, the text adventures differ significantly from many other games. Because with them there are no detailed environments, no changing times of day and seasons, no stimulating music and certainly no mystical feeling. Instead, the player looks without exception at a text provided, from which he can take all the essentials and in which he can make his decisions and his next steps. It's quite a special treat, but it's a lot of fun once you get used to it.

Survival Games 

You know it: The world has been hit by a zombie apocalypse and you are the only human in existence, along with various monsters. A framework on which many survival games are built. Here the player has only one goal on the agenda: It's about bare survival in an environment in which everything is against him.

However, there is a lot to do on the mostly open map: healing potions and weapons can be generated from mastered battles, various items of daily use can be stolen from empty houses and defensive structures can also be built with the help of the objects lying around. Anything that prevents your own death is allowed. Because in addition to the animated opponents, the player can suffer from hunger and thirst, be seriously injured, get tired or have similar weaknesses that affect his physique in the game.

Strategy Games

Start from scratch and be crowned winner within a few hours - a concept that, of all game genres, is particularly eagerly pursued by strategy games. Here the player is concerned with making the best possible use of the space allocated to him on the map by mining resources, founding a small town, gradually expanding the population, offering his citizens access to education and wealth - and he one Raised army to conquer other cities.

Again and again he has to defend himself against the plans of his opponents. An idea that requires a lot of strategic skill. You can only win if you plan ahead and know how to use all the advantages. The enemies' artificial intelligence may not be overly developed - but the computer calculates exactly how best to hurt the player.

Idle Games  

Not all game genres set themselves the goal of captivating the player for hours, constantly presenting new challenges or enabling them to advance. Idle games are considered small gap fillers, for example to shorten waiting for the bus or the break at school on the smartphone.

The animated world is about destroying opponents and objects in order to get the currency or health points used in the game. A real story isn't told here, there isn't any interaction with other characters either, and games like this aren't overly complex either. But idle games are good for quick fun and spontaneous emotions. However, the possibilities in the free version are usually limited. Those looking for more action will have to purchase expensive upgrades.

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