Sunday 25 June 2023

Smart And Sustainable Living In The House Of The Future

A house that not only looks good, but also thinks smartly, that makes life easier and also convinces with its environmental friendliness? Previously, these properties were only available as individual building blocks.

Thanks to a new concept, it is now possible to live in your own home in which modern technology is not retrofitted, but is the focus right from the start. A young PropTech company from Austria is revolutionizing house building

Quality Of Life Of The Future- Combination Of Design, Technology And Sustainabilit

The concept behind Tech Wood Homes is the combination of three essential aspects in the development of real estate projects: design, material and technology. An attractively designed home is what many potential homeowners want.At the same time, they attach great importance to sustainable building with environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and renewable raw materials. In addition, life within your own four walls should be comfortable, efficient and intelligent.

Previously, homeowners had to buy different devices and systems individually for a smart home, and install and configure them. They've had to learn the technology, choose compatible products, and often juggle different apps and settings to make their homes smart. It was like trying to send a rocket into space just to turn on the bathroom light.Integrating smart home technology during home construction offers numerous benefits. It enables seamless integration of devices and systems from the start, streamlining cabling and providing a more aesthetic integration.In addition, energy-efficient solutions can be implemented and future upgrades can be carried out more easily.

This smart home technology includes, for example, access for RFID, QR and Bluetooth, an alarm system, the robot lawn mower for outdoor use, light and motion sensors, a charging station for the family's electric vehicle and a photovoltaic system including battery storage on the roof.The integrated technology is ideally so modern that it is not only compatible with today's software solutions, but also works with the technical solutions of tomorrow.In the intelligent house of the future, the technology adapts to the needs and habits of the occupants: the house is personalized.

Sustainability And Low Energy Costs

By building sustainably, prospective homebuyers can not only express their love for the environment, but also keep their energy bills low.A win-win situation for everyone – family, environment and wallet! The houses from Tech Wood Homes, for example, are built as a kit and are made from natural building materials such as wood, clay plaster, sheep's wool and wood fiber insulation.Materials no longer have to be imported from far away, wood in particular is available locally. In this way, environmentally harmful CO2 emissions that occur during transport can be prevented.

However, sustainability is also increased through the coordination of design, material and technology. By bringing the three areas together as early as the planning phase, it is ensured that the house of the future is energy-efficient, that the integrated technologies make life easier and that the materials used increase the quality of life.Achieving such a result requires close collaboration between the architect, construction company and smart tech experts. Together they implement the requirements and wishes of the future residents and develop the house in which the new owner would like to live in the future.

Innovation For More Quality Of Life In  Living

The development of a smart home that has been thought through down to the last detail hits the nerve of the times. With Tech Wood Homes, Michael  Rohrmair has developed a concept that can rightly be described as revolutionary: Our vision is life in the house of the future: sustainable, smart and with more time for the important things in life. We do not retrofit house with technology afterwards, but think and build the concept from the beginning. Completely networked right from the start, with room for adaptations over the next few years.

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