Sunday 20 August 2023

10 Mac Tricks That Will Make Your Work Easier

In the powerful macOS operating system, Apple provides a variety of practical functions that turn your PC into a working machine.

Here we present 10 Mac tricks that will make your everyday work on the Mac more efficient.

iCloud Keychain

The keychain feature is one of the Mac tricks that can save you a lot of time. This is a digital container intended for the central storage of passwords, user data, certificates and notes.

Since the tool is integrated into Mac systems by default, the feature can be opened within the Control Panel by clicking on Apple ID > iCloud. The advantage of this cloud-based password management is the uncomplicated and location-independent access, which means that classic paperwork is a thing of the past.

The program can be synchronized with all Apple devices and suggests the appropriate login data in the form of a user name and password for each website. Accordingly, you do not have to remember any complex passwords, which should be made up of letters, numbers and special characters.

Customize The Dock

The aspect ratio of the dock can be changed by left-clicking on the dividing line, which is located on the right-hand side of the bar. You also have the option of placing the dock horizontally on the left or right of the screen.

This requires a right-click on the bar in order to be able to select the desired option. The setting gives you additional space when working. If the dock bothers you and takes up too much space, you can hide it with the key combination ALT + cmd + D.

Dark Mode is a dark color scheme that darkens the entire user interface. The dark color composition has the advantage that, in contrast to the light mode, all menu elements move into the background and the focus is increased on the essential content.

To change the design system-wide, just click on the Appearance tab in the sidebar of the system settings. Then a click on Dark  is required to create a more pleasant contrast ratio for the eyes.

Sign Documents Digitally

The digital signature is one of the Mac tricks that you can use to save time and money in the form of printing costs. This function eliminates the hassle of printing out applications and PDF documents intended for e-mail when signing them.

The necessary signature function is integrated in the toolbar of the preview app. The signature can then be created with the trackpad, the integrated camera or alternatively with the iPhone or iPad

The Spotlight Search

Quick Search, also known as Spotlight Search, is one of the most versatile Mac tricks. This function helps you to search for applications, files, important documents and e-mails and is located in the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Alternatively, the Spotlight search can be called up by pressing cmd + spacebar at the same time. The application includes a preview window for images and is able to search for terms in files. In addition, Spotlight search includes calculator functions and is a handy tool for currency conversions.

Create Multiple Desks

As part of Mission Control, Apple offers you the option of setting up up to 16 desks. This function is opened by pressing the function key F3 and can be accessed via the trackpad with a 3-finger gesture.

Additional workspaces can be added with a single click using the plus symbol in the top right corner of the bar that opens. In this area, the separation of private and professional environments is possible. In addition, you can switch between a variety of programs such as Safari, Office applications or the e-mail client in a matter of seconds.

Wireless Data Transfer With AirDrop

The transfer of files between different end devices is often complex and sometimes associated with difficulties. This is where AirDrop can help and transfer files of any kind over a distance of up to 10 meters.

The AirDrop button is located in the left pane of the Finder window. To use the function, you must log in with your Apple ID. The data transmission is encrypted and takes place via Bluetooth and WLAN.

Extend Lexicon App 

The Lexicon utility is an application that comes standard onboard macOS. The tool includes pre-installed dictionaries that work independently of an existing internet connection. This feature makes it possible to look up terms and their definitions on websites or within a word processing program.

In addition, the range of functions of the reference work can be expanded with plug-ins, which will benefit you in the future when writing texts. To do this, you must execute the menu command File > Folder > Dictionaries in the open dictionary program.

In the folder that opens, you must now insert the plug-in file using drag & drop. This is available for activation after a subsequent restart of the Lexicon software using the key combination cmd + comma.

This Mac trick refers to the automation service Automator installed from macOS version 10.4. The application is located in the program folder and consists of various components.This includes ready-made actions such as filter settings for the search function, automatic conversion of file formats within a folder and many other useful commands that make your daily work on the computer easier.

The Automator offers endless application possibilities and is able, among other things, to sort files, scale photos or automatically merge PDF files. Although this tip falls into the category of advanced Mac tricks, no programming knowledge is required to use the tool.


The Mac tricks presented can be implemented with the operating system's on-board tools without installing additional software and make your daily use of macOS easier.

With the partly hidden functions of the intelligent user interface you save a lot of time in your work processes. Another advantageous aspect is that the Mac tricks are easy to implement and are equally suitable for beginners and advanced users.

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