Sunday 27 August 2023

Mobile Working: So You Can Be Productive On The Go

The number of remote workers is constantly increasing. Mobile working is trendy. But what exactly is it all about? What are the pros and cons?

And which tools should you definitely acquire to be prepared for all eventualities? We have the answers to all relevant questions.

What Is Mobile Working?

The name is program. Mobile working describes the work process that works completely independent of location. 

The employees are neither required to pursue their profession at a fixed workplace in the company nor in their personal home office.On the contrary, the service is provided wherever it wants to be provided. These include, for example, the café around the corner, a shared working space or even the beach.

The advantages of mobile working are numerous. Employees save time by no longer having to drive to the office or, in the worst case, even commute.They are flexible, have more energy for family and their own hobbies, so they enjoy a far better work-life balance than employees with a permanent job in an office. However, there is still no right to mobile working.

Are There Any Disadvantages?

A permanent workplace in the company office separates work and private life. When the computer is started, we know exactly what needs to be done and in what timeframe.When we finally leave the premises, we look forward to relaxing in our own four walls and pursuing our hobbies. However, this does not work with mobile work. Work and private life mix with each other. What is still a job, what is private?

Internal communication also suffers from working from home or on the road. It's simply impossible to make small talk with co-workers, ponder together over coffee, or quickly ask the boss when the deadline for the current project will be. An external program like Skype is only able to promote collegial cooperation to a limited extent.

Mobile Working: Tools And Accessories 

Commuter Or Business Backpack

The good news first: Most modern backpacks are already tailored to transport laptops and usually even have a specific compartment. Before you buy, however, you should make sure that the model you want fits the laptop in terms of length, width and thickness.Especially with heavy notebooks, it is also worth paying attention to padding so that the backpack can be carried comfortably. The first best choice is and remains the classic commuter backpack.

It is practical, gives the laptop enough space and, with a capacity of up to 30 liters, is large enough for business documents and a snack or two. Thanks to the many compartments, it is also not necessary to search for the desired accessories for a long time.The business backpack is also ideal for mobile work. It looks classy and professional and can be taken on the plane as hand luggage. So perfect if you have to work on current projects above the clouds. As a bonus, the business backpack often has a so-called smart sleeve, with the help of which it can be easily attached to the suitcase.

Power Bank

It's the nightmare par excellence: We're on the road, have important work to do and can't concentrate anymore. The reason: We haven't had a power source for hours and the battery is slowly but surely coming to an end. Due to the sheer stress, it is no longer possible to think of an effective completion of our orders.

That's easy to avoid. The solution: a power bank. This is a technical companion that can be easily connected to our Note or MacBook and supplies the device with four to six hours of power.The practical emergency generators only weigh a few 100 grams and can be quickly stowed in our backpack. In times when there is simply no socket within reach, they prove to be real saviors in an emergency.

Laptop Lock

As convenient as it is to work from home, mobile working comes with a few hurdles. For example, what about our laptop when we go to the bathroom, refresh ourselves or buy a coffee?In your own four walls, the equipment is safe from the hands of strangers, but not on the train. Of course, it would be conceivable to stow the technology in a backpack and then unpack it again. However, that is not pleasant.

Again there is a manual solution: a laptop lock! This corresponds to its name and can be used flexibly, comparable to a bicycle lock.For example, it is possible for you to chain the laptop to the table leg without running the risk of it being stolen out of hand. Thanks to the four-digit number combination, you don't even have to carry an additional key with you when you have to go to the toilet for a short time.


It is impossible to predict in advance how smooth the flight or train ride will be. We can be lucky and work carefree, or we can have several small children in our immediate vicinity.And as much as we can understand that these young beings need special care, they are not conducive to the work ahead. Reason enough to invest in good headphones!

These bring two useful functions with them. On the one hand, they protect you from the noise of your currently unchangeable environment. On the other hand, they also protect the environment from you. Do you need to be listening to a tutorial or on-topic podcast right now?Headphones on and only you can hear what only you are listening to. With a noise-cancelling feature, you'll feel like you're sitting comfortably at your desk, even on a crowded train.

Cloud Service 

Gone are the days when you only worked at one fixed place. The technology has changed accordingly - especially with regard to storage media.Anyone who works on their projects from anywhere is well advised to rely on a cloud service. The advantages are obvious: the data is available on the Internet at any time and can be called up and changed by all common devices.

With the cloud, it is no longer necessary to share data that has already been processed via email or to always carry external storage media such as hard drives or USB sticks with you.The services allow employees to make changes and clearly mark them. A perfect tool for your mobile workplace.

Conclusion: Mobile Work Is The New Standard

At least since the pandemic, our working life has turned upside down. What previously seemed impossible has now become routine: we no longer just work in the office, but everywhere. In parallel to the home office, mobile work has also established itself, which happens, among other things, on the train, on the plane, in the truest sense of the word between door and hinge.

All you need is good preparation and discipline. Those who know they have the right tools at their side are flexible around the clock and able to work whenever time permits. But please consider your breaks and a work-life balance that also takes your hobbies and rest periods into account.

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