Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Fighting Games: These Games Give You One On The 12

Fighting is human nature. We have been trying to measure ourselves in various forms of competition for thousands of years. And in the world of video games, fighting games are a popular choice to express our fighting spirit.

Whether you prefer to duel well-known characters from different video game universes or decide the fate of the world in epic battles between superheroes and supervillains, here are five fighting games that will give you a perfect 12.

Monday, 19 June 2023

Fix Blue Screen: How To Solve The Annoying Error

There's nothing more frustrating than being interrupted by a blue screen in the middle of an important job, an exciting game, or while you're streaming your favorite series.

This infamous blue screen of death can upset even the calmest of people. But don't worry, we're here to show you how to fix a blue screen.

Fix Blue Screen: 9 Methods 

In this article, we present you with a handy checklist of different methods on how to get rid of the annoying error and get your computer back on track.

Monday, 20 February 2023

Best Assassin's Creed: The Meuchel Series Correct Ranking

Best Assassin's Creed Ever? It's really hard to pick the best Assassin's Creed game because everyone has their own preferences. A few of the most popular titles considered the best are: Assassin's Creed II, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Assassin's Creed Revelations, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Assassin's Creed Origins, and Assassin's Creed Odyssey.

Each of these games offers a unique experience, but they all have one thing in common: they are all extremely fun and offer a good balance between game mechanics and story.

Saturday, 18 February 2023

Do You Still Have A Game Boy?

It was bulky, gray, and didn't even have a backlight. Nonetheless, Nintendo's first Game Boy was a groundbreaking success.A lot has happened since this model. We'll take you on a journey from the earliest gaming consoles to today's cutting-edge devices.

Feel Like A kid Again 

Handheld consoles have not lost their charm to this day. That's no wonder, because they are ideal for gambling on the go. They provide lots of fun on the train, on the plane or on the park bench. Even if the smartphone is now giving them a lot of competition, there is still a large market. Many gamers also buy used retro models because they would like to relive the games from their childhood.

Friday, 17 February 2023

Game Genres And Their Best Games

Technical development is making great strides and now makes games possible that are almost as realistic as a movie.

But of course, in all genres there are also the classics that may have survived many a year and that no longer seem quite modern - which, however, should not be missing in any well-assorted game collection. But which game genres are actually differentiated from each other and which titles are most influential for them?

Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Streaming in Germany: A Brief History of the Streaming Revolution

Until a few years ago, you had to sit in front of the TV at the right time to watch your favorite series, the Champions League final or the news.

It was not uncommon for people to fight over the remote control - after all, you couldn't just watch the desired program later.Today, these scenes hardly ever take place in the living room. 

Sunday, 12 February 2023

The Best Looter Shooter Games : Loot, Loot, Loot

Looter shooters are a popular genre among gamers. They mix elements of a classic shooter with the collecting mania of an RPG. It's all about upgrading your gear and building a better character by picking up loot.

They are popular in both single player and multiplayer and are enjoying a growing fan base. But what are the currently best looter shooters?

Borderlands 2

Promoting Your Blog For Free: Effective Strategies

Starting a blog is a fantastic way to share your knowledge, passion, and expertise with the world. However, attracting readers can be chal...